Ultimate Master Collection
Over 300 items total
46 Weapon Designs & Articles:
- Wireless Torpedo
- Machine to End War
- Wireless Transmission of Energy
- Tesla Prediction of Ships
- Tesla’s New Device
- Solar Radiation
- Electrical Energy for Peace
- Cosmic Forces
- Tuned Lightning
- Hertz Resonator
- Eternal Source of Energy
- Monarch of Machines
- Much more
Over 50 Articles by Nikola Tesla
- Electrical Energy
- Electrical Autos
- Alternating Currents
- Wireless Vision
- Wonders of the Future
- Experiments with Alternating Current
- Experiments with High Frequency
- Views on Electricity
- Talking with the Planets
- Tesla’s Vision
- Apparatus for Transmitting
136 Original Patent Designs:
- Turbine Patent
- Fountain Patent
- Electronic Transformer
- Field Magnets
- Fluid Propulsion
- Controlling Moving Vessels
- Coil for Electro Magnets
- Producing Ozone
- Electric Generator
- Electrical Transmission
- Electro Magnetic Motor
- Dynamo Electric Machine
- Speed Indicator
- Aerial Transportation
- Lightning Protector
- Steam Engine
- Much more!
28 Original Schematic Designs
- Designing Tesla Coil
- Mini Coil Schematics
- Voltage Divider
- Current Sense Transformers
- System Schematic
- Fairchild Semi-conductor
- Mini Brute Schematic
- Transformers
- Vaccuum Tube Tesla Coil
- Much more
Over 50 video files of Tesla Coil and building tutorials
30+ rare photos
Discover the Mysteries of Electrical Energy and the secrets of Nikola Tesla in this fascinating compilation.
Terms and Conditions
Seller is sole copyright owner of this recordable media. All rights reserved.
Artwork & compilation is © by Western Digital Productions.