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Bigfoot Videos Vol 5-6


Bigfoot Videos Vol 5-6

Western Digital Productions

Bigfoot Research documentaries volumes 5-6
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SKU WDP0070 Category


Operation Discovery

“The most intense Bigfoot Research Documentary ever made!”

The Bigfoot Research Center attempt the once impossible! The set up and monitoring of a remote camera system in the High Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest during a winter snow storm. Why,you may ask… Simply put, “That is when they move,” states the Director of the Bigfoot Research Center. “Well, actually they migrate. They seem to move quickly to lower elevations during the evening most likely to avoid detection.”

The BRC demonstrate the incredible adaptability of their secret weapon – The Cellular Field Surveillance System now upgraded with both audio vocalization and fragrance attractant broadcasting. The team feels they now posses the ultimate Bigfoot monitoring system. “Human presence and contamination has always been a real problem with Bigfoot field research. I think we have eliminated 99% of that with this new system.” After set up we can monitor and run our stations from our base camp sometimes miles away,” states the Co-Director.

The cameras have also been beefed up for advert weather operation, a feature very important for this type of research. “Our new system was field tested during our Canada Expedition and performed well.” After a few equipment adjustments for all weather performance and several upgrades for vocalizing and attracting, we feel we now have the ultimate Bigfoot research monitoring stations that operate in complete stealth without human contamination. This is the best chance to date at capturing Bigfoot activity day or night in some of the most remote study sites located.

Video Synopsis:

The Bigfoot Research Center releases their 6th Sasquatch research documentary.

Join the BRC as they take you on 3 different research expeditions which include:
British Columbia Canada’s Cariboo Mountains (Expedition Notes)
Washington States Northern Cascade Mountains
Washington States Olympic Queets River Rainforest

The BRC organization has developed the research industries most advanced remote video and audio monitoring system. A system that was designed to be installed and operated anywhere using stealth and all weather mode capabilities. The Cellular Field Surveillance System provides both HD video and 5.1 Dolby audio recorded data day or night via cellular technology. The system involves multiple camera sites that also have the ability to broadcast both vocalizations and fragrance attractants instantly and remotely with the push of a button from the team’s base camp miles away. Once in place this incredible system is capable of operating without human presence and contamination.

Thank you for your support. Over 90 minutes.

Sasquatch of Canada

For the first time ever, The Bigfoot Research Center travel to the secluded mountains of British Columbia Canada in search for Sasquatch. This incredible video documentary chronicles the one week expedition into several isolated locations bringing back startling new evidence.
Several eye witness reports are investigated bringing investigators and trackers closer than ever before.
Observe the setup and operation of the teams latest video and audio monitoring system – a system that utilizes cellular technology for live recording. Witness the collection of authentic field evidence, and observe the results of the analysis. Compelling audio recordings and photos are presented in this rare documentary.
This RARE documentary will convince the disbelievers and astound the skeptics that a real and living unknown primate still inhabits North America!

Documentary contains:

  • Trackers pursuing creatures several miles through the rugged old growth forests of British Columbia.
  • Observe researchers casting Sasquatch footprints for analysis.
  • Nighttime vocalizations caught on the teams monitoring system.
  • Compelling night time images caught on the teams cellular monitoring system.
  • Over 90 minutes of compelling research during the most intense expedition in the teams history.
  • Much more..

Over 90 minutes.

Terms and Conditions
Download is in ”Widescreen” format. Two video documentaries.
Seller is sole copyright owner of this recordable media.

Thank you for supporting our research efforts!