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World Without Cancer


World Without Cancer

In this documentary, written by G. Edward Griffin, he reveals an amazing study that can cure and prevent cancer once and for all. He finds that by taking the vitamin B-17, it will cure any and all cancers found in our society.

A few more researchers that have come to this conclusion also include, but are not limited to:

Hans Nieper, M.D. – famous cancer specialist
N.R. Bouziane M.D. – director of research hospitals in Canada
Manuel Navarro M.D. – professor of medicine and surgery, and cancer researcher
Dr. Ernesto Contreras M.D. – cancer researcher and more.


SKU WDP0044 Category


In this documentary, written by G. Edward Griffin, he reveals an amazing study that can cure and prevent cancer once and for all. He finds that by taking the vitamin B-17, it will cure any and all cancers found in our society.

A few more researchers that have come to this conclusion also include, but are not limited to:

Hans Nieper, M.D. – famous cancer specialist
N.R. Bouziane M.D. – director of research hospitals in Canada
Manuel Navarro M.D. – professor of medicine and surgery, and cancer researcher
Dr. Ernesto Contreras M.D. – cancer researcher and more.

The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cure and prevention of cancer. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non-drug approach? Edward Griffin contends that the answer is to be found, not in science but in politics, and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment.

With billions of dollars spent each year on research, billions taken in on the sale of cancer-related drugs, and with fund-raising at an all-time high, there are now more people making a living from cancer than dying from it. If the solution should be found in a simple vitamin, this gigantic industry could be wiped out over night. Bottom line, politics of cancer therapy is more complicated than the science.

Run time is 1 hour.


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